Five. Whole. Dollars.

As soon as I read through the email informing us of our move off the waiting list (and stopped crying, and called Coley, and stopped crying again..), I began to think about the insane amount of money that we need to pay for our sweet bundle of joy.

Coley and I have struggled with this part of the adoption journey the entire time. If we were pregnant, we would be paying for doctor's appointments and then there's the hospital bill but the majority of that is covered by insurance. Adoption fees are not covered by insurance. We are expected to have this money ready for them when it's time. I'm not sure that anyone I know has $30,000 just sitting in the bank that they can just spend at a moment's notice. Especially not any 26 year old couples. (If you know someone and they want to help us out, hit me up 😂)

We have been researching grants and loans and fundraising concepts. We even started our t-shirt sales (see our Facebook pages if you're interested! I'll provide a link/blog post around our fundraising endeavors ASAP!) to help offset the already beginning costs of adoption. However, we have found that while people are excited for us, they aren't as excited to donate their hard earned money to help us afford this process. I completely understand. I'm stingy with my money as well.

But then someone shared a thought. If the amount of people who like our posts gave $1, $2, or even $10 each, we could quickly have what we need to pay for the home study and more. It's such an interesting thought. Coley and I see fundraisers for the most obscure causes: "my dog needs to be spayed or neutered...Here's my gofundme link," "Help me fulfill my dream of hiking the Appalachian Trail (this one raised $12,000...)," "Our Wedding Fund - help us pay for our dream wedding." etc. There are so many great ones too, but the obscure ones seem to be the ones that are shared and donated to more often. For some reason, when it's a good cause, people are less likely to help. I need a researcher to do a study on that logic.

I did the math.

If every person on mine and Coley's Facebook friends list (total 1,503 people, without the overlap) donated just $5 each, we could raise $7,515. 

That would pay for our home study. That would get us to the next step. $5 from each person. You can find $5 on accident in your clothes. You can scrounge up $5 in that jar of pennies you've had for years. Some people can find $5 in the bottom of their purse. $5 is not an insane amount of money.

That's all we're asking. $5. Five. Whole. Dollars. To help us become parents. To help us provide a loving, safe, beautiful home for a precious sweet baby. To help us give a birth mom piece of mind for selflessly choosing adoption for her child.



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