It’s Home Study Time!

After over a month of tedious collecting and uploading of pretty much every document that could possibly pertain to our lives, we are finally out of the “preliminary” phase and on to the official home study! Coley and I received the news this past week and are already scheduled for our first interview with our caseworker!

We didn’t know exactly what a home study entailed, so we asked! Our original caseworker (who has been so helpful throughout this entire process so far) explained exactly what we would be doing.

Coley and I have to meet with our caseworker a total of four times. The first interview will be at the adoption agency and will involve both of us. This one is already scheduled! The second and third interviews are with each of us individually. They can happen on the same day, but we will be interviewed separately. The fourth and final interview will take place in our home! This one involves both of us and our sweet puppy so that our caseworker can see where our baby will live.

Once all of these interviews are complete, the caseworker will write a paper that details our entire life basically to share that we are ready and able to care for a child. The paper is the final step! The home study process can take up to 90 days, which means ours will be completed by the end of June!

After the home study is complete, we move on to being a “waiting family” until we are matched! We are also able to apply for grants and adoption loans as needed.

We are so excited to be moving on through this process! It’s been such an eye opening experience this far and we have learned so much about adoption and ourselves.


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